
Andy strikes again

So if you don’t already know, Andy is my partner. I’ve featured him on here a few times now, from The Boyfriend Tag to not one but two posts where Andy has conned me (I Was Conned & Andy Cons Me Again)

In the latter two posts I vowed to get my own back but whilst I have a couple ideas up my sleeve, I’m biding my time until he least expects it. Having said this I did unfortunately fall for another one of his tricks and I had a huge blonde moment.

We were enjoying a day out with my family at the beach and were walking through the boat yard when Andy pointed up to a post with a white box on the top of it and what looked like a camera. He asked me what it was to which I replied I didn’t know. He told me it was a speed camera for boats and I fell for it hook, line and sinker, replying really? I never knew they did that. Morale of the story, think about what Andy says before you say your reply.

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