
Halloween Special – Cheese Bats

AD – Guest Post

Hi everyone, with Halloween coming up, stating in has become the normal, so for having parties in doors has become the norm, this biscuits are perfect for that.

Cheese Bats

{“image”:””,”name”:”Cheese Bats”,”prepTime”:”PT30M”,”cookTime”:”PT15M”,”totalTime”:”PT45M”,”description”:”Hi everyone, with Halloween coming up, stating in has become the normal, so for having parties in doors has become the norm, this biscuits are perfect for that”,”yield”:”32″,”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”Nic’s Adventures & Bakes”},”recipeCategory”:”party, halloween, biscuts”,”recipeCuisine”:”english”,”video”:null,”recipeIngredient”:[“160g Plain Flour, plus a little extra for dusting”,”70g Unsalted Butter, chilled and cut into little cubes, plus a little extra for greasing”,”80g Mature Cheddar, grated”,”25g Parmesan Cheese, grated”,”1tsp Mixed Herbs”,”1/4 tsp Paprika”,”Grind of Black Pepper”,”1 Medium free-range egg, beaten”],”recipeInstructions”:[“Preheat the oven to 180°C, 160°C (Fan), Gas Mark 4. Line 2 baking sheets with lengths of baking parchment”,”Tip the flour and butter into a large mixing bowl.”,”Rub the butter into the flour – using fingertips – until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.”,”Add the Cheddar, Parmesan, herbs, paprika, pepper and beaten egg and mix together with a wooden spoon until combined.”,”Sprinkle a little flour onto a work surface, then roll out the dough.”,”Cut shapes from the dough, using a cutter, and lift them with a spatula onto the baking sheet, leaving a little space between them so they can spread out. Bake for 15 mins until just golden.”,”Remove from the oven and leave to cool on the trays for a couple of minutes, then transfer to a cooling rack.”],”nutrition”:{“calories”:”100″,”fatContent”:”7″,”saturatedFatContent”:”4″,”carbohydrateContent”:”9″,”fiberContent”:”0″,”sugarContent”:”1″,”proteinContent”:”4″,”sodiumContent”:”66″,”cholesterolContent”:”26″,”@type”:”NutritionInformation”},”@context”:””,”@type”:”Recipe”}
Cheese Bats
With ImageWithout Image

Cheese Bats

Yield: 32
Author: Nic’s Adventures & Bakes
Prep time: 30 MinCook time: 15 MinTotal time: 45 Min
Hi everyone, with Halloween coming up, stating in has become the normal, so for having parties in doors has become the norm, this biscuits are perfect for that


  • 160g Plain Flour, plus a little extra for dusting
  • 70g Unsalted Butter, chilled and cut into little cubes, plus a little extra for greasing
  • 80g Mature Cheddar, grated
  • 25g Parmesan Cheese, grated
  • 1tsp Mixed Herbs
  • 1/4 tsp Paprika
  • Grind of Black Pepper
  • 1 Medium free-range egg, beaten


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C, 160°C (Fan), Gas Mark 4. Line 2 baking sheets with lengths of baking parchment
  2. Tip the flour and butter into a large mixing bowl.
  3. Rub the butter into the flour – using fingertips – until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
  4. Add the Cheddar, Parmesan, herbs, paprika, pepper and beaten egg and mix together with a wooden spoon until combined.
  5. Sprinkle a little flour onto a work surface, then roll out the dough.
  6. Cut shapes from the dough, using a cutter, and lift them with a spatula onto the baking sheet, leaving a little space between them so they can spread out. Bake for 15 mins until just golden.
  7. Remove from the oven and leave to cool on the trays for a couple of minutes, then transfer to a cooling rack.




Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)

party, halloween, biscuts
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About The Author

Nic has been blogging for 5 years over on Nic’s Adventures. Here you can find everything from food and travel to everyday life posts so make sure you head over.

You can also find Nic across these social media accounts:





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17 thoughts on “Halloween Special – Cheese Bats

  1. Hi Kelly and Nic. I don’t have much of a sweet-tooth so these sound very appealing to me. No reason to limit them to being just Halloween biscuits 🙂


  2. What a lovely treat! I love savoury snacks and so many Halloween themed items are on the sweet side.


  3. These cheese bat biscuits look adorable! I bet they taste delicious too! This is a great recipe for someone who has more of a savoury mouth rather than a sweet tooth, Halloween is just associated with sweets so much that it’s great to read a recipe involving a savoury snack! x

    Lucy |


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