Pregnancy & Parenting

The Scary Reality of Witnessing a Seizure: Understanding Types, Causes, and How to Respond

This is a guest post. All thoughts and opinions are that of the author. If you have any concerns regarding seizures, please seek medical advice. For more guest posting opportunities, click here. I placed another load of clothes into the washer and sighed. The holidays were fun, but the amount of dirty clothes that piled… Continue reading The Scary Reality of Witnessing a Seizure: Understanding Types, Causes, and How to Respond

Pregnancy & Parenting

Adding the finishing touches to the nursery with Poster Store

*AD - Adding the finishing touches to the nursery with Poster Store is a sponsored post. Time is moving so fast and before I know it, I will be holding my little girl in my arms for the first time. I'm so excited but at the same time, I feel completely unprepared, especially when it… Continue reading Adding the finishing touches to the nursery with Poster Store

Pregnancy & Parenting

10 Things nobody tells you about pregnancy

I knew pregnancy was never going to be easy, but I can honestly say there are so many things I didn't realise would be an issue. Of course, myself like so many of you no doubt had heard about morning sickness in the first trimester, getting bigger and just generally feeling more tired. However there… Continue reading 10 Things nobody tells you about pregnancy

Pregnancy & Parenting

Budget-friendly Halloween activities to do with the kids

I feel like this year has flown by. I don't know if it's because I've had so much going on in this pregnancy or if life is just flying by in general. But I can't believe I am sat writing a Halloween post. Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on Over the years that I have… Continue reading Budget-friendly Halloween activities to do with the kids