
My current skincare routine

For my first beauty post on this blog, I thought I’d go back to basics and talk you through my current skincare routine. Over the last few years, I’ve realised that my make up sits better on my skin and lasts longer, when I have a good skincare routine in place.

I have mainly stuck to the same skincare for the past 10 years. Whilst I sometimes switch out a product, the basis of my routine stays the same. When I first thought about creating a good skincare routine, I decided to get some professional help. To do this, I popped along to my local Clinique counter and took their skincare quiz. From my answers, they were able to formulate a plan that would improve my skin and give it all the nourishment it needed. Years later and that plan still works for me, even if some of the products have changed. So here is my skincare routine…

My current skincare routine products


The first step I like to do in the morning is cleanse my skin. Its gets rid of any oils and dirt from overnight. For this, my current go-to product is the Garnier Micellar Gel Wash. I find this really works into my skin and gets rid of any grime.


Once I’m happy that my skin is squeaky clean, I then want to add a bit of moisture back into my skin. I have quite sensitive skin and so it can feel a bit tender after cleansing. Firstly, I work with my eye area so that I don’t contaminate it with any other products. For this I use Clinique All About The Eyes cream. Afterwards, I work on the rest of my face using The Ordinary Natural Moisturising Factors & HA Cream. I find this soaks really well into my skin, making it look plumper and healthier. I will then allow this to soak in for about 30 minutes before I apply any make up.


In the evening, if I know I’m in for the night, I will take my make up off straight away. Not only does this allow my skin to breathe, its also great in case I become too tired and forget to remove it later on. To do this, I go back in with the Garnier Gel Cleanser I used in the morning. Once my skin is clean, its then onto the next step. This is where I use the Alphah Liquid Gold With Glycolic Acid. Its too harsh on my skin to use everyday. However its a great product to use every other day because it helps to close up my pores and makes my fine lines appear reduced.

Every evening without fail, I’ll apply the Olay 7 In One Night Cream. My skin laps this up because it can be quite dry after wearing make up all day. I never forget to apply my Carmex lip balm as the last step before bed.


In addition to my facial skincare, I also try to apply body lotion at least three times a week. I know I should do it more, but I just never seem to have the time to fit it in everyday. One of my favourite body lotions is the Vaseline Spray because its just so quick and easy to use. It doesn’t take long to soak in my skin either.

Final Thoughts

This brings me to the end of my current my skincare routine. I’ve previously tried to add in so many steps and products, but give up after a couple of days. In contrast, this routine fits into my schedule and my skin loves it. I can definitely see the difference because my skin has such a healthy glow o it these days. I do try to update the products I use every so often so that my skin doesn’t get too used to something. I post about this more over on Instagram, so head on over and follow me, so you don’t miss out.

What is one skincare product that you couldn’t live without?

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55 thoughts on “My current skincare routine

    1. The Clinique eye cream is great because it doesn’t irritate my eyes which a lot of others do. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and comment. I will definitely check out the Tropics cleanser

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Great post!! I totally agree that your makeup looks nicer when you have looked-after skin! My current favourite is Simple night cream, I only use it in my dry patches at night but I always use it during the day if I’m not leaving the house so it has time to work it’s magic!

    Paige x


  2. I’ve been investing more in my skincare recently and find that the stuff I love the most is from Lush. Have you tried anything from there?


  3. Great post Kelly. I really need to establish a skin routine for myself! The most I use is a face mask here and there and some moisturiser (usually Nivea). Which is probably really bad!! Thanks for sharing, it’s definitely giving me some ideas to try. Especially for the huge bags under my eyes!


  4. Great schedule description I always love reading about what everyone uses and does in their daily routines because it varies so much. I’ve recently started using liquid gold rose and I love how effective it is. I swear by The Ordinary for well priced products especially the retinol!


  5. Oooh, I loved reading this, I’m a skincare fanatic so I’m always interested to see what other people use! I would struggle to nail down my favourite skincare staple but if I HAD to it would be some Frankincense beauty oil I was given last year, it is absolutely wonderful, so much so I even repurchased it 🙂

    Lisa |


  6. I’m a big fan of skin care routine posts! I’ve always suffered with my skin and reading other people’s technics are really helpful! Although, I’ve tried a few of these products I’ve not tried them all 😊 so thank you for sharing!

    Ashleigh x


  7. This is such a great post Kelly! I love reading about others skin care routines. The Vaseline spray sounds brilliant, I’ve never heard of a spray moisturizer before, it sounds like such a fab product especially as it absorbs quickly. Thanks for sharing your favourites ❤ xx

    Bexa |


  8. That’s an awesome routine!! Mine is quite similar. You’re right, if you’re taking good care of your skin, your makeup doesn’t really need a primer!


  9. I LOVE the Garnier micellar line! It works so good! I use the water and have yet to use the gel, but that stuff it amazing.


  10. Loved reading this Kelly! I’m definitely in favour of affordable and easy skin routines, I feel like less is more sometimes! I don’t think I could live without nivea moisturisers, so rich and give a lovely glow x


  11. I love to use the simple moisturiser on my skin just because it can get quite dry and I find it works really well. I need to try some more simple product


  12. Thank you so much for sharing! I really need to adopt a skincare routine, as I mainly just use whatever lotion is nearby and call it a day 🙂 this gave me ideas, and I truly appreciate it!


    1. I used to be exactly the same but since I’ve had a bit more of a routine, I love how my skin looks and feels. Good luck with finding your routine, just remember to find something that works for you 😀


  13. Skincare plays a major role in the way your makeup applies and sits throughout the day. It’s so important to take care of your skin and get rid of any dirt from the day. I do recommend always taking off your makeup even if you are tired because it can clog your pores and cause unwanted bumps on your face. This is my experience with makeup.

    Loved how informative this post was!

    Erica Raquel


  14. I could not live without Dr. Paw Paw multi use balms; I have a tube in every bag and one literally in every room! It’s an all rounder for lips, cracked heels, dry elbows and cosmetic finishes for a glossy look – it’s like a natural vegan 8 hour cream. Definitely a travel essential


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