
Morning Routine: Tips For Waking Up Early

I don’t know about you, but I love reading about morning routines. Since returning to work after lockdown, I’ve had to get up early. I therefore thought I’d share my currently morning routine with you as well as some tips I’ve picked up along the way.

I will be brutally honest with you, I never used to be a morning person. Getting up for school or work each morning always used to be a struggle. I’d leave it till the last minute and then find myself rushing around, often forgetting something. I even used to do my make up in the car on route to school.

warm coffee drink for best morning routine.
Photo by Daria Obymaha on

The thought of getting up early used to fill me with dread. However, as I’ve got older, I realised that I can’t leave everything till the last minute. I’ve created a morning routine that allows me to wake up and get ready, without feeling panicked. Recently, I’ve been suffering with anxiety over the last few months and am contemplating adding the use of CBD oil to my routine. I’ve been getting lots of helpful information from They have so many different articles, all written by health experts and journalists. Each article is fact checked with science-backed research and is regularly updated to reflect medical advances. It gives me peace of mind that what I’m reading in these articles is correct. If you’re looking for information on CBD oil, I’d highly recommend you checking them out.

Over time, I’ve actually started to enjoy getting up early, which is something I never thought I’d say. I have been looking into and researching the use of white kratom strains recently too which i may add to my morning routine. For those of you that don’t know, white vein kratom is known for its energising qualities. It’s even been said that the effects of it are similar to coffee but with less chance of having a crash later in the day. If anyone has tried any white kratom strains in their routine, I’d love to hear from you.

But without further ado, here is my morning routine for waking up early.


My day starts when my alarm goes off at 6am. Due to being hard of hearing, I have a vibrating alarm which is kept under my pillow. It is so helpful because it means my alarm will wake me up, without it waking my hubby up next to me. I also sleep with my Fitbit on and have another alarm set for 6.15, just in case the first one doesn’t go off. If this isn’t enough, I also have my phone alarm set for 6.40 but I usually turn this off way beforehand.

Once I’m awake I head straight downstairs and make a cuppa. I’m one of those people who can’t function without a cuppa, so I make sure I’ve got my priorities right. Whilst my tea is brewing, I’ll do the basics such as brush my teeth, wash my face, sort my hair out and apply my mascara. Because I sleep with my Fitbit on, it means that I’m already adding to my step count for the day. I’ve set mine to an ambitious 14,000 steps per day which really makes me work for it. Fitbits are really handy and offer so much more than just a step counter. With so many different options, your best bet is to check out the device details before you purchase. Its important you get the right product to suit your needs. I love the fact that mine has a meditating setting that I can use when I’m feeling anxious.


Cuppa in hand, the next 45 minutes are my productive time. If we are having a slow cooker meal, I will use some of this time to prep that. I also schedule promotional posts for Twitter and Facebook, return comments and occasionally add a new grid post to Instagram. All the time I’m doing this, I sip on my cuppa and slowly start to feel more alive.


As soon as 7am hits, I like to start getting ready to leave the house. This includes getting dressed, which I tend to do downstairs if Andy is still asleep. I make sure I’ve got everything I need to take with me to work by the front door. I’ll also wash and pack away any dishes that need to be done.


I’ve then got 20 minutes to myself before I need to leave for work. I use this as my me time and spend it scrolling social media, replying to emails or just watching YouTube videos. As soon as 7.30am arrives, I grab everything I need and walk out the door.

photo of person holding alarm clock for best morning routine.
Photo by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush on

My Tips For A Successful Morning Routine

Get everything ready the night before

I know this is something everyone says, but it is so important. It is one of the fundamental rules I live by now and I’ve seen such a huge improvement. I make the point of getting everything from clothes, bag, masks, food etc ready at 9pm each evening. By doing this, its in my mind that I need to do it before I go to bed.

Get enough sleep

Getting the right amount of sleep is so important for our overall wellbeing. It took me several weeks to work out how much sleep I really need. I think I used to actually get too much sleep because I’d often struggle to get to sleep at night and feel worse for it.

For me personally, I try to go to sleep between 10-10.30 and wake up at 6am. In theory, this would give me a good eight hours. However, I know it’s likely to take me 20 minutes to fall asleep. I also am likely to get disrupted sleep if Andy needs to leave for work at 3am. With this in mind, its probably closer to seven hours sleep, which I’m happy with.

Make a plan for the morning

Making a plan or to do list of things you need to get each morning. If you know there are things you need to get done, you are more likely to get out of bed. I always find that without a plan, I think to myself, just ten more minutes. Having just a handful of things on your to do list will motivate you more.

For example, each morning, I’ll make a cuppa whilst getting ready for work. I then schedule in a bit of time that I can promote blog posts, as well as write and schedule content. You might decide that you want to do a workout or some yoga.

Get straight out of bed & wash your face

Don’t even think of hitting that snooze button. The hardest part is getting out of bed, but once its done, you’ll feel much better. Washing your face will not only help cleanse your skin, but it will also wake you up too.

Final Thoughts

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about how I’ve created my morning routine to get up early. What started as a struggle, has now become enjoyable. I love how much I can get done before work. Check out my Instagram Stories, where I share more tips and routines.

Are you a morning person? Do you have any tips you would add?

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37 thoughts on “Morning Routine: Tips For Waking Up Early

  1. I love this!! My morning routine has gone out of the window so much but I really like the idea of having half an hour in the morning to do a few blog bits – that’s the one thing I’m really struggling to be able to fit into my day properly these days. Great tips here – thank you!


  2. Great tips! I used to be fine at waking up early and get out of the house half hour later, maybe not the best routine, but it worked for me. Since lockdown it’s been a struggle waking up early and keeping a routine, but will try your tips out x


  3. I love getting up early, before everyone else. When the house is quiet and you can just breath for a second but during the pandemic and especially now, going through a tough mental health phase I’m finding it really hard to get up early which sucks xx


  4. I actually used to be a morning person at one point of time, and I would be again because mornings are some of my most productive hours. But I struggle sleeping early because uni got me into the habit of sleeping only when I’m fully exhausted 😅 so now I don’t get sleep unless I tire myself out. Need to fix that. Great post!


  5. I’ve always been one for a morning routine and it really feels like it sets me up for the rest of the day. I enjoyed reading about your routine and we are similar in our tasks. One difference though – I need to eat breakfast!


  6. Hi Kelly. Thanks for sharing your routine. I was dreadful at getting up right up to, and including, my time at university. I had to put my alarm somewhere where I couldn’t reach to hit the Snooze button and also where I couldn’t easily throw a pillow and smother it! Now that I’m older (not necessarily wiser!) and have a job I’m up at 6.15 every morning. As you say, I think the key is to get up immediately – snoozing is deadly once you’ve started, 5 more minutes becomes 10, then 15 … until Damn! Now I’m late! 😉


  7. This is a wonderful post – thanks for taking us through your morning routine and outlining some tips and tricks for helping get up early. I use to be more of a morning person, but ever since covid I’ve found my routine has been totally different without having to leave and drive into work. This post is a good motivation to plan out my morning like I use to even if I’m not needing to plan travel time in the same way. Thanks for sharing 🙂


  8. Although I love waking up early I think the worse part for me is getting up as soon as my alarm goes off. I LOVE waking early, its my time of day – but I also love the silence of my room and the warmth of my bed 😀 These are some great tips though – always find reasons to be excited to get out of bed each morning!


  9. Love this, it’s super helpful! I especially love your tip about having a to do list and having a set time to work on blog stuff – I definitely need to use these! Thanks for sharing.


  10. This is great! I don’t function without my morning beverage, either. I’m a natural morning person (I get up at 5am!) but I love hearing about how people learn to get the most out of their mornings even when getting up early isn’t their natural mode.


  11. I loved reading this post! SO many useful tips in here. I’ve been trying to get up early recently, as I’ve always thought of myself as a night owl and I wanted to challenge myself to go against it. Honestly it’s been a life changer! I think I’ll now start getting everything ready the night before. I feel like it’d definitely change my productivity in that first hour of waking up! Thank you for the post Kelly!

    Mary-Ann x


  12. Very interesting! I enjoy my mornings too but I usually set my alarm for 7am but lately I’ve been actually finding myself waking up even earlier than that and there is something to be said about waking up early and having time to do things in the mornings


  13. I really loved reading you’re post. I also love my Fitbit vibrate alarm. I feel like it wakes you up a lot more gently than my iPhone blaring that awful alarm sound. I really need to get back into the swing of early mornings though so I’m definitely going to be taking on some of your tips 🙂


  14. I definitely need to get back to my morning routine to bring some order back into my life. My schedule is all over the place. Also, something that I really like is that you scheduled in some time to create content in the morning. I usually write towards the night, but this usually leads to me staying up super late. So, I’ll give morning writing a go!


  15. Great tips. It’s so important to have a daily routine, but I’m terrible at getting up in the morning. I don’t always sleep well, and I think that contributes.


  16. I must confess my mornings begin around seven. Getting OUT of bed and immediately washing up is the most effective way to wash away not only last night’s dirt but also drowsiness. A short pilates routine before breakfast also wakes me up.
    Thanks for sharing your morning routine as well a handful of ways to help the morning be as productive as possible. 🙂


  17. These are good tips. I used to do all these when I was an office worker. But since I’m now self-employed, I always sleep late. So usually wake up later that 6 am. Thank you for sharing.


  18. I definitely wasn’t a morning person but I had to adjust my body clock due to work. Now, I’m more than okay with working early if it means I finish early too haha! And my mornings are perfect with a cup of coffee!


  19. I have so much respect for the fact that you get up at 6am – I’d genuinely really struggle with that! I always try to take an hour to myself when I wake up for note taking and to get things done x


  20. I find it hard to stick to a routine because my work hours can be so different. But I usually take a wee walk in the afternoon to wake myself up whether I’ve been in work or not. Great advice, though. I just wish I had a more normal work routine.


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