
30 Things that make me happy & the power of positive thinking

I can’t wait to share some of the things that make me happy with you. The last few months have been a complete roller coaster of emotions. But that is to be expected when trying to navigate the last bit of pregnancy, birth and the first few months of a newborn. When I first started writing this post, I was about seven months pregnant. In the intro, I spoke about how my emotions had been all over the place, but that I was trying to push through with the power of positive thinking. I thought that by trying to find the positives in each day, I would feel a lot happier and less stressed overall.

30 things that make me happy
Photo by Andre Furtado on

Fast forward to now

I have a beautiful baby daughter who isn’t even classed as a newborn anymore. I’ve navigated more during those first few months than I ever thought possible. I’ve had a reality check into the things you can get done in a day and those that are important enough to actually achieve. I’ve lost one of the closest, most special people in my life. Money worries have been at the back of my mind constantly. And my mental health has definitely suffered as a result.

Having said that, the power of positive thinking HAS got me though. I pick out the best bits of a day and remind myself that things really aren’t that bad. I’m reminded of this every time I edit a video for my YouTube channel too. If I take each day as it comes, with a few rough plans thrown into the mix, each passing week soon becomes a happy one.

Things that make me happy

Sticking with the theme of positive thinking, I thought I would share some of the things that have been making me happy recently. Whilst I know some of the things I’m about to mention you will agree with, there will be others that just don’t do it for you. That’s the beauty of it. We all see the world and the things around us so differently, that everybody’s lists are unique to them. Without further ado, here are 30 things that make me happy…

  1. Listening to the birdsong in the morning
  2. Having a supportive family
  3. Reading a good book that I really connect with
  4. A lovely cup of tea after a long day
  5. A relaxing soak in the bath
  6. Friends that are there for me no matter what
  7. A partner in crime that makes me laugh and supports me every step of the way
  8. A beautiful and healthy baby girl
  9. Having had so many wonderful memories over the years with my nan but knowing that she is now out of pain
  10. People-watching from the flat. If you haven’t done this, I’d highly recommend!
  11. Trixie being by my side for 11 years
  12. Watching Blended with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve watched it this year so far
  13. Having such a great online community that supports either my blog or YouTube or even both!
  14. Being able to put food on the table everyday. Right now this is not possible for so many
  15. A “no time limit” shower. Those parents amongst us know exactly what I’m on about
  16. The fact that I’ll soon be going on our first holiday as a family of three
  17. Reconnecting with family I haven’t spoken to in so long
  18. Waking up to sunshine streaming through the bedroom window
  19. Nellie’s first smile. It melts my heart every time I think about it
  20. Listening to music
  21. Having a dance round the kitchen with Nellie
  22. Managing to drink a cuppa whilst it’s still hot. If you know, you know!
  23. Looking at old photograph’s and reminiscing
  24. Going for a walk in the countryside
  25. Cleaning the flat. The satisfaction that I get when it all looks clean and tidy… for 5 minutes anyway!
  26. Beach days
  27. Watching the sunrise and sunset
  28. Planning for the future. As always, there is a lot of changes coming up but I will save that for another post
  29. Not drinking alcohol. I can’t even tell you how good this feels but spoiler alert, I have way more fun now!
  30. Love. Whether its the love I feel, or watching love blossom in other people. There’s just something so magical about it.
  31. (One extra for good luck) The little lambs in the field near our flat. They are so adorable.

Being grateful

I thought reaching the number thirty would be difficult, but strangely, once I got going, I couldn’t write them down fast enough. It’s a great way of practicing gratitude though. I’d Love to know your top three are so feel free to leave me a comment below.

The power of positive thinking
Photo by Binti Malu on

The Power of Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking is a concept that has been embraced by many as a way to approach life with optimism and resilience. It is the practice of focusing on the bright side of situations, expecting favorable outcomes, and believing in the inherent goodness of life. While it may sound simplistic, the impact of positive thinking on one’s mental and emotional well-being can be profound.

Shaping Perspective

Positive thinking empowers individuals to shift their perspective towards a more hopeful and constructive outlook. Instead of dwelling on challenges, setbacks, or negative experiences, it encourages individuals to seek out the silver linings and lessons within adversity. This shift in mindset can lead to increased motivation, creativity, and problem-solving skills as individuals approach obstacles with a solution-oriented approach.

Enhancing Resilience

Cultivating a positive mindset can also contribute to greater resilience in the face of adversity. By fostering an optimistic outlook, individuals can build emotional strength and adaptability, which are essential for navigating life’s inevitable ups and downs. This resilience enables individuals to bounce back from disappointments, cope with stress more effectively, and maintain a sense of hope and determination in challenging circumstances.

Improving Well-being

Numerous studies have highlighted the benefits of positive thinking on overall well-being. A positive mindset has been associated with reduced levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as improved coping mechanisms for coping with various health challenges. Moreover, individuals who maintain a positive outlook are often more inclined to engage in self-care practices, healthy lifestyle choices, and nurturing relationships, all of which contribute to their holistic well-being.

Cultivating Gratitude

Central to the practice of positive thinking is the cultivation of gratitude. Acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of life, no matter how small, can foster a sense of abundance and contentment. By regularly reflecting on the things we are grateful for, individuals can amplify positive emotions, deepen their connections with others, and develop a heightened awareness of the beauty and goodness that surrounds them.


In essence, the power of positive thinking extends far beyond mere optimism; it serves as a guiding philosophy for leading a more fulfilling and resilient life. By embracing the practice of positive thinking, individuals can harness the transformative potential of their mindset, shaping their experiences, and enhancing their well-being in profound ways. As the renowned author Norman Vincent Peale once said, “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” Embracing the power of positive thinking can indeed pave the way for a brighter, more hopeful tomorrow.

So, do you believe in the power of positive thinking? Is that something you try to live by too?

Other posts you might enjoy:

Self Love Shift

Positive Changes I’m Making To My Life

Enjoying Life In The Fast-Paced Modern World

10 thoughts on “30 Things that make me happy & the power of positive thinking

  1. Such a beautiful post! A lot of the things in your list make me happy too. There’s a lot of power in positive thinking and reminding ourselves of the beautiful things we have or get to enjoy time to time is one of best self-care practice, imo. PS. I love the movie blended! You just reminded me of it. Will be watching it soon.


  2. what beautiful post! What really stood out to me was your appreciation for the simple things like the surmise and sunset! It’s really the simple things! My top three things that make me happy would be spending time with my family, writing, and the mornings! I tend to sleep in and miss the mornings, so whenever I get to wake early enough to catch the morning time I feel also giddy!


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